An important property is the interface i.e. the control panel, which has always been a technical challenge for the oven industry trying to come up with a reliable, functional and simple solution. Revent has now launched a new control panel so efficient you will not need any instructions prior to use. It only has 4 arrows; up, down, left right + 1 edit button to choose and one on/off button. It also has Ethernet, Internet, USB and external screen connections and as extra option an almost unlimited base for recipes and pictures of your products.


HVS High Volume Steam

Revent’s patented HVS steel ball steam system was designed upon the fact that the sphere has the greatest surface area to volume ratio of any geometrical form.

The large surface area guarantees maximum steam generation during the baking process. This allows the dough to increase to a large volume in the beginning of the bake and creates a shiny crust at the end of the bake.

The spherical surface of the ball is also perfectly designed to absorb heat, so the steam generator does also serve as a heat accumulator. This heat (energy) is used to shorten the recovery time in the beginning of the bake and between the bakes.

Test results speak for themselves. For example the Revent 724 transforms 8.5 l of water into steam in 20 seconds. Temperature recovery is within 3 – 5 minutes depending on the product and oven model.

HVS High Volume Steam

TCC Total Convection Control – air distribution system

Since 1958 Revent has pioneered convection-heating in Rack ovens. Controlling and steering the air flow in a convection oven is essential for the outcome of the baking result. First of all even heat transfer, from top to bottom of the rack and from the outer edge to the center of the baking tray, is very important. Secondly low air velocity with a large air volume is essential for even baking without dehydration.

Revent’s unique world-leading air distribution system, TCC, directs air flow and volume to produce an even heat transfer throughout the rack. Air flows hit each tray at an upward angle to create enough bottom heat to add volume and rise to your bread. TCC produces more bread volume in every loaf, more even baking and less waste.

TCC Total Convection Control – air distribution system

Wedge system

The Revent Wedge System is a unique assembly design that is not only very strong but also saves time and money.

The Revent Wedge System makes assembly quick and easy. Revent ovens are delivered in sections that are easily assembled at the bakery in a matter of a few hours, not the days needed for ovens that are screwed and bolted together. Additionally, the wedge system simplifies the disassembly process and reduces costs for relocation if the need arises.

Wedge system

Heat exchanger

Revent heat exchangers are designed to have a very high efficiency.

When designing heat exchangers many parameters must be considered. First of all the heat exchanger needs to be efficient. Secondly it has to withstand forces and movements of the material. These are only a couple of many important parameters.

The Revent heat exchanger technology of today is a result of long experience in designing heat exchangers with high demands on energy efficiency.

Heat exchanger
Copyright Revent 2025